Clowns Day Nursery / Clowns Pre-School
Prior to entry, a retainer amounting to one full month’s fee is required to secure your child’s place. At certain times due to heavy over-subscription your retainer might be required to be paid ten months prior to starting. If you increase your child’s time at Clowns, you will be required to pay the increase in the retainer.
At Clowns we believe it is most important for a child’s development to have continuity during the early stages of nursery care. As such, we discourage placement which is not intended to last at least twelve months.
Should you withdraw your child from the Day Nursery or Pre-School within their first year, the Clowns Retainer will be forfeited.
- Day Nursery (Cherry class and Strawberry class): After the first year, a minimum notice period of one full calendar month is required for any refund of the Clowns Retainer.
- Pre-School (Peach class and Rosewood class): After the first year, a minimum notice period of one full term is required for any refund of the Clowns Retainer.
Manor House
On entry into Manor House, a separate retainer is required as a guarantee that your child will complete two full academic school years from the 1st of September to 31st July (of the second year). The retainer that was paid when your child first commenced at the nursery is held as a guarantee that you will give a full term’s notice if you are withdrawing within the academic school year, but your teaching deposit would still be forfeited.
Please note that Clowns Nursery does not participate in the 15/30 hours free childcare scheme.